Mary Mouse Joins Her Friend on the Ice
After days stranded on the expedition ship, Mary Mouse has at last rejoined her friends on the ice. Tonight she will be sleeping in the living caboose with the rest of the team and will be staying with them for the for rest of the expedition. Richmond Dykes has taken it upon himself to keep an eye on Mary for the trip, and she will be travelling with him in the cab of his Caterpillar if she not…
What a Snotter

Latest update from Crown Bay – by Anton Bowring I’m an optimist. If I see a half glass of beer, I’ll drink it. Today turned out to be half a day. In my book it was a good one. Others were frustrated that we didn’t achieve more. There was still a swell but cautiously we nosed into the shelf at 07.30 and started work. Large lumps of ice fell into the sea around us but the loading platform stayed…
Testing the Fuel Scoots

The first blog from Richmond Dykes…ever. Yesterday was the first day since unloading the ship of the fuel drums and pumping them into the flubbers that have had time to do anything with the fuel scoots. The day started off by checking over and warming up the Cats before work commenced; Ran, Ian, Spencer and myself then proceeded to unpack all the ropes that were supplied and laid them out on…
“What a swell parting this is!” – by Anton Bowring

My report this evening is short. Although it was yet another beautiful day, first the sea ice and then a low but effective swell kept us out of Crown Bay for most of the day. There was nothing to do except prowl up and down peering, when possible, through binoculars at the black dots which were our colleagues on the remains of the ice shelf. Although it didn’t seem risky to nose into the head of…