Start Delayed
The latest from the ice is that the team will not be ready to begin today. As much as a shame and a frustration that this is, the good news is that the weather is continuing to improve and the team has been able to spend much of the afternoon digging out the Ice Train and sorting out equipment. At the latest update, everything was back on the surface except a couple of fuel scoots which will b…
Status Update
Status report sent direct to Operations HQ at 1223 GMT: “Things have taken a rapid turn for the better in the last few hours. Wind has dropped off and the sun has come out. We are currently digging the Ice Train out – its a big job. Cabooses are out as is the ISO and 2 x fuel scoots. The Belgian Lehmann is next but I’m not joking when I say you can’t see it and there is two metres of snow on to…
Brightening Up

In his latest live TV interview, Ice Team Leader Brian Newham told Sky News’ Sunrise programme that the weather was now starting to clear and that the team has been able to get outside to start the very lengthy progress of digging the Ice Train out from under four days of snow. Although he could not confirm that the expedition would begin as planned at 1200 GMT today, he nevertheless sounded…
Ran, Ant and Brian on Sky News in 20 minutes
Ran Fiennes and Anton Bowring will be talking to Eamon Holmes on Sky News’ Sunrise programme at about 8.45am today. They will be joined by Brian Newham via satellite phone from…
Ice Team a “Coiled Spring” as Delay Looks Likely

Brian Newham described the Ice Team as being like a “coiled spring” on this morning’s Daybreak programme on ITV, as he announced that today’s scheduled launch may have to be postponed. Speaking via satellite phone from inside the living caboose, Brian told the presenters that that high winds and poor visibility meant it was “increasingly unlikely” the team would make the 1200GMT start, as t…