Over the last six months we have been sent hundreds, if not thousands of questions from our loyal supporters, and often these go unanswered due primarily to lack of time to respond. Today we are offering you the chance to put your questions to the Ice Team. Please post your questions in the comments field below or email them to Some important notes: No more than 30…
Fact of the Day:

Mount Erebus is the highest and most active volcano in Antarctica, it is located on the Ross Ice Shelf. One of the Volcanic Seven Summits, and the largest of 4 volcanoes that roughly forms the triangular Ross Island (Mt Erebus, and the extinct Mt. Bird to the north, Mt. Terra Nova and Mt. Terror to the east). Mount Erebus was discovered by explorer Caption James Clark Ross in 1841 and first…
Rising Fast

Since we saw the sun for the first time earlier this week the weather has kept it hidden from view until today. So, this picture taken yesterday was just our second view of the sun. Cloud and a lot of drifting snow meant that we didn’t see it until its was at its highest point in the sky and it was a very brief encounter. Back to the twilight and darkness within a few hours. By Brian…