Current Location: S72 51′ 13.5″, E023 33′ 50.2″ Welcome back to all the schools subscribed and following The Coldest Journey. First of all, the entire Coldest Journey team are extremely pleased to announce that our Seeing is Believing fundraising total has now passed $1 million. Just a few weeks ago, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Joanna Lumley and Anton Bowring visited Bangladesh to witness som…
Bangladesh Blog – by Anton Bowring

It is in stark contrast that, while the expedition team busy themselves with their scientific studies in the remotest part of the world, Ranulph Fiennes, Joanna Lumley and I spent a few days last week in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dhaka is one of the world’s most densely populated cities. Whereas Brian, Ian, Richmond, Rob and Spencer have an area the size of Britain between them and their nearest…
Fact of the Day:

Antarctica today is a cold, inhospitable desert; however, in the more distant past, the climate was much warmer. Abundant finds of fossil leaves and wood point to the existence of extensive forestation in earlier geological periods, even to within a few degrees of latitude of the South Pole itself. Dinosaurs, and later, marsupial mammals once roamed across its surface. Leaves and stems belonging…