Wondered what Sir Ran’s hands looked like? Well wonder no more…
Rob Lambert Interview
Sir Ranulph Fiennes is due to arrive back in England tomorrow morning before heading into a press conference with the world’s media. Ahead of this event, expedition doctor Rob Lambert answered some questions for the press about Ran’s condition and what his departure means for the rest of the team and the expedition as a whole. His answers were as follows: Did you help Ran when t…
“Ice Team Back On Track as Sir Ranulph Fiennes Embarks on Lonely Voyage Home”

By Hugh Bowing. After what seems like an eternity waiting for the weather to improve, Ran was finally able to begin his long journey home in the early hours of this morning. Despite winds still up at around 20knots and temperatures at -18c, he set off with a team from the Belgian International Polar Foundation who had managed to reach the Ice Train at around 6am their time (8am GMT). The plan on…
Ran Starts Long Journey Home
Sir Ranulph Fiennes was been picked up from the Ice Train’s overnight camp this morning by the Belgians from Princess Elisabeth Station and is on his way there now. Weather permitting he will be flown to Novo later today, and once there will await a further flight to take him to Cape Town. In a fond farewell to his teammates today he told them he was unhappy to be leaving them on the ice. We w…
Update From The Ice
Dear All, Below is the official line on the latest from Antarctica. This is what is being sent to the media around the world right now. We will be keeping our Facebook page, Twitter feed and website up to date with all of these latest announcements, as well as additional blogs, images and footage, making this the place to visit for all the latest for expedition news and Ran’s journey home.
Thank You for Your Support
Thank you to all of our well-wishers on this difficult day, your continued support means a tremendous amount to the entire team both in Antarctica and in the UK. Sir Ranulph’s departure from the ice will be the first of no doubt many trials the Ice Team will have to surmount in coming months if they are to succeed in this epic challenge. They are a strong and experienced group, and those of us…
Latest News
We regret to announce that Sir Ranulph Fiennes has developed a case of frostbite. The condition is such that he has very reluctantly decided with the support of the team doctor and in the interests of the success of the expedition and its associated aims, to withdraw from Antarctica while the possibility to do so still exists, before the onset of the Antarctic winter. This decision has not been…